>>>>>>>>>casa Bantam

still here

bueno, la cosa rueda k rueda, pero la vida todavia quiere que disfrute un poco mas de esta city. y bueno, que es de esperar, el mundo sigue loco y como siempre la realidad supera a la ficcion, asi que el hecho de que yo no continue mis viajes de momento es logico y no un vida es injusta a veces, ya lo podemos ver si Bush sigue siendo el presi....very heavy, pero bueno....yo mientras continuo con mi vida y bueno why not? halloween fue de esa version espanyola, sin disfraces pero con muchas risas y momentos buenisimos pasados por agua.....asi que no nos vamos a quejar. la kontx y yo seguimos con nuestras ganas de descubrir barcelona y disfrutarla al maximo, y bueno, ahi estamos dale que dale...llego el frio y a veces cuesta dejarlo de lado..mientras tanto, nos rodeamos de cositas buenas

ok so things are moving the wheel goes round and round, but life still wants me to enjoy this city a bit more. so, what can we hope for? the world is still crazy and as always reality is superior to fiction, so the fact that i don't continue my travelings yet makes sense. life is not fair sometimes, we can see this, if bush is still da president....very fuerte.....i go on with my life and why not right? halloween was in spanish version, without costums but with lots of hahahas and very good moments a bit wet in a very nice why complain? kontx and i keep up our desires of exploring this city and enjoy it to its fullest, and well, here we are dale que dale....cold weather is here already and some times it's hard to get up the sofa....meanwhile, we are surrounded by beautiful things

1 comentario

Abell Onya Bikemate -

Beauty before me
Beauty behind me
Beauty above me
Beauty below me
Beauty all around me